Zenobia – najcuvenija olupina Mediterana
7. Juna 1980. MS Zenobia, 178 metera dug trajekt poceo je svoj put ka dnu MediteranaSada lezi na dnu na 42. metra oko 1.5 kilomeara od obale Larnake. Zenobia is consistently ranked as one of the top 10 recreational dive sites worldwide by various portals and magazines. It was build by Sweedish company and she sank on her maiden voyage from Malmo, Sweeden to Syrian town Taurus. She arrived at Larnaca with a ballast problem just to be dragged out of harbor. Boat capsized five days later and 200 millions worth of cargo sank with it. No one was hurt as all the crew aborted the ship hours before the worst.There are a lot of myths and controversies about it, one of the stories is that it smuggled weapons from Yugoslavia to the middle east. In any case its a very big wreck that offers different types of dive and is considered biggest underwater truck graveyard. It offers diving on upper levels for intermediate level divers down to engine room for very experienced technical diving.I wanted to visit Zenobia for years now and had several failed attempts to go and check it out, one in 2011. when I decided to […]