Traveling to the Philippines in the first trimester of pregnancy
We won’t write much about previous travels as we want this blog to be focused on traveling with a kid, but also because other destinations are pretty much mainstream. One trip that was specific to be was the last years trip to Philippines. One that makes this one different is that I was second month pregnant with my baby boy Relja and that trip took around 30 days. I didn’t planed to take that trip pregnant but as you can’t plan things in life we made our baby from strike one, and we bought those ticked for a very good price months before that. We found out I was pregnant one months before the trip and didn’t exactly know should we cancel it or no. So first thing first was to visit my gynecologist (that labored be later in July) to confirm the pregnancy and to let me know if its safe to travel that far. He confirmed and said that its ok and with normal sense of percussion there is no reason why not to go. Still I had double thoughts and I was very nervous, especially because our ininerary was very complicated. I had to take […]