Getting from Puerto Viejo to Bocas del Toro cheapest way possible There are several web pages regarding the trip from Puerto to Bocas that we found online, but what we also found is that not all of them show the cheapest solution and it looks not all have been updated with latest information. Some things changed but also it looks like some people compromised with a “not so cheap but direct” bus from the border to Almirante. It is a fairly easy trip and it will save you around 20-25$ per person, we did it with a 3 and 1/2 years old boy and a baby + stroller and 5 backpacks. Complete list of busses/walks/boats you have to take is next: Puerto Viejo – Sixaola (bus) Border (walk) La Paz – Changuinola (bus) Changuinola – Almirante (bus) Almirante – Bocas (boat) Getting to the station and buying tickets It seems that some people think this bus goes from Lemon or Manzanillo, important is to know that it doesn’t pass on the main road, it goes from the main station in Puerto Viejo. Bus goes hourly and the schedule changes frequently so its best to go one day earlier and to […]
Getting from Puerto Viejo to Bocas del Toro cheapest way possible There are several web pages regarding the trip from Puerto to Bocas that we found online, but what we also found is that not all of them show the cheapest solution and it looks not all have been updated with latest information. Some things changed but also it looks like some people compromised with a “not so cheap but direct” bus from the border to Almirante. It is a fairly easy trip and it will save you around 20-25$ per person, we did it with a 3 and 1/2 years old boy and a baby + stroller and 5 backpacks. Complete list of busses/walks/boats you have to take is next: Puerto Viejo – Sixaola (bus) Border (walk) La Paz – Changuinola (bus) Changuinola – Almirante (bus) Almirante – Bocas (boat) Getting to the station and buying tickets It seems that some people think this bus goes from Lemon or Manzanillo, important is to know that it doesn’t pass on the main road, it goes from the main station in Puerto Viejo. Bus goes hourly and the schedule changes frequently so its best to go one day earlier and to […]
Traveling Brazil and Argentina in pregnancy with a two year old – preparation, buying tickets, research After four winters spent in South East Asia (which we love and feel like home) we decided to make a change – to try something new. For start we didn’t have any particular destination, we decided to search for the cheap flights and see what are the options. First thing we wanted was South Africa – flight straight from Belgrade for 380eur but we decided to skip because Uk transit visa and South African which we would have to get in Bulgaria. One week after we fount tickets Rome – Sao Paula – Rome for 315 EUR per person. Decision was instant. We will go to Sao Paulo and we will make itinerary afterwards. We often find cheap tickets for far destination but the departure point is not Belgrade but somewhere from Central Europe and the problem is that trip to that place, lets say Zurich, can often be more expensive than flight from lets say Zurich to Mexico. This time we made a cheap connection Timisoara Rome for 27 Eur round trip via WizzAir. We like when we have a connecting flight in […]
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Singapore Singapore is one large, exciting, tidy and interesting city… but also very expensive. We find it an excellent destination to travel with kids, not just because of superb metro system but also because the whole infrastructure is adapted to the people with disability, which means also for us – people with strollers. We can even say its the best we ever saw anywhere in the world. It is possible to move from point A to point B without using your arm muscles or your back to move the stroller. Just bare in mind that when you are entering a public bus you have to fold it as it is mandatory. The city itself has a lot of content for the children, the zoo and the aquarium are one of the best of their kind in the world. Also there is fun island of Sentosa. We decided to visit Singapore because of its proximity to Thailand and also because its on the top of the lists of best cities in the world. It was definitely worth visiting when we were so close. We bought one way tickets directly from airasia website. Flight was from Phuket and it lasted around an […]